Sunday, November 11, 2012

we are cooler than they are

Hello. Darling groupmates.
I've just spent a mo' spying on the blogs of our competitors,
and I have but one thing to say....

....We are way cooler than they are.

¡Viva Stedankorbra!

Monday, November 5, 2012

(unofficial post) Course Requirements

Writing Studies Emphasis  27 Credits
Course Requirements:

Complete ALL of the following:  12.0 credits

• ENGL 2040 Introduction to Writing Studies (3.0)
• ENGL 2310 Technical Communication (3.0)
• ENGL 3060 Visual Rhetoric (3.0)
• ENGL 481R Internship (take for at least 3 credits)

Professional Writing Practices 6.0 credits
Complete TWO of the following:

• ENGL 2050 Editing (3.0)
• ENGL 3050 Advanced Editing and Design for Print Media (3.0)
• ENGL 3320 Grant and Proposal Writing (3.0)
• ENGL 3340 Digital Document Design (3.0)
• ENGL 4340 Advanced Document Design (3.0)
• ENGL 436R Topics in Technical Communication (3.0)

Language and Cultural Rhetorics 6.0 credits
Complete TWO of the following:

• ENGL 2030 Writing for Social Change (3.0)
• ENGL 3030 Writing in the Disciplines (3.0)
• ENGL 3070 Public Rhetorics and Popular Media (3.0)
• ENGL 401R Topics in Rhetoric (3.0)

Complete 3 upper-division credits of ENGL coursework beyond those courses taken to fulfill discipline core or emphasis requirements.

Jobs/Grad school opportunities

The Definition for Writing Emphasis (Group Writing)

This definition is only like 4 paragraphs, easy going, I liked it. Check it out.

here is another:

and another, just the first paragraph:

*Here's my take on what Kory and I got from Bonnie Kyburz:

The Writing Studies emphasis focuses on the fields of Rhetoric and Composition, particularly within the digital age. It appeals to students who are interested in integrating theory and practice, and communicating with confidence.

Studying within this emphasis challenges the traditional, formulaic values of writing that we tend to gain in high school. The major has an inclination towards conflict, because writing allows you to engage, challenge, and argue. 

Curiosity is a key quality in aspiring majors. The broad range of effects that a text can activate is studied within this emphasis. Good writing effects how people think. Writing Studies students learn the rhetorical skills of critically analyzing texts so as to produce them in ways that have specific and effective results. Our turn to the digital age adds complexity and diversity to this area of study. 

Skills to be gained:
The greatest skill to be gained is a unique disposition, one that is sensitive to textuality. When we are sensitive to language, our choices become more discerning and critical in terms of how we produce and consume. Students will learn how to creatively utilize tools, images, and language to understand how texts are rhetorically functioning and create unique texts of their own.

This major enables creative vision and critical thinking skills. Students will learn digital skills, document design, and advanced skills of communicating and listening. This degree prepares students for a variety of career opportunities: Law, business, teaching, design, filmmaking, editing, etc. The critical and creative disposition gained from the Writing Studies emphasis makes learning new sets of skills easier.

(Ugh. I just read through that. It sounds like shit. Below are a couple more things, but I couldn't think how to add them in the hullabaloo above.)
Metacognitive awareness of what you're doing. Enables feelings of empathy and removes desensitization. 



Home Page
   Here I will introduce the BBC tv series (turned dvd movie) of Pride and Prejudice. I will write briefly about when and where it was filmed, but I'll get into the production details on a separate page. I think I'll use a lot of stuff from our last blog entry. And of course, I'll introduce Manovich to the best of my ability and highlight how his research and concepts apply to my topic. I think I will use material from Manovich's own introduction to do this. In his Theory of the Present, he talks about how history repeats and how people struggle to recognize the significance of change while it's happening (7). I'd like to analyze this through BBC's P and P by considering the period in which the novel originally emerged, and reflecting it onto its adaptation in 1995-- a little compare/contrast that ties together the relevance of New Media and some of the key concepts Manovich talks about.

History of the Novel
   I want to analyze further the period in which P and P was written, and what cultural influences effected Jane Austen as she wrote it. Some history of Austen, audience reception at the time and over time, and its place in popular culture today. I'll include Manovich's parallels between cinema history and the history of new media, as well as "the relations between the language of multimedia and nineteenth century pro-cinematic cultural forms" (9).

   Here I want to focus mostly on BBC's adaptation. I'd like to write in more detail about this particular production- when it was filmed, when the idea came into being, the characters who played the main roles, and any interesting background knowledge. I'll also include the many many other adaptations that have been made, offering a special appearance to the Kiera Knightly version (keep your enemies close). Just so you know- I have nothing against Kiera Knightly- I like her a lot as an actress (Love Actually, anyone?). I just see that particular adaptation as the McDonalds version of what P and P is all about. Give the deluded masses exactly what they want, people, right?! Make it cheap, tweak it here and there so the simple-minded, soap-opera loving McDonalds eaters will inhale it and feel artificially satisfied... okay, this page might be a little bit of an opinion piece. Relevant Manovich stuff: "...individual layers can retain their separate identities rather than being merged into a single space; different worlds can clash semantically rather than form a single universe" (xix).

Fans and New Media
   There isn't a super ton of memes or fan videos- but they do exist. This page will showcase the most interesting and hilarious images and videos I can find. I've got stuff from previous posts that will do for some of this content. Such as, how new media has played a major role in P and P's many adaptations being possible. These unique perspectives and representations offer further conceptualizations/interpretations. "The printed word that initially dominated the language of cultural interfaces is becoming less important, while the part played by cinematic elements is becoming progressively stronger. This is consistent with a general trend in modern society toward presenting more and more information in the form of time-based audiovisual moving image sequences, rather than as text" (78). <--- That's a big one to me. When P and P was originally published, that's all an audience had was the text, their ability to read, and their imagination. Now, things are so much easier (or are they?). I'd also like to include Manovich's ideas on The Icons of Memesis (starting on 195). I admit I had to look that word up- Plato and Aristotle defined it as the representation and imitation of nature and human behavior. Manovich talks about a text's or media's realism- and how in certain forms, they may or may not seem more "real". Consider the black and white text of the original novel compared to the 5 hour BBC version which follows the book extremely closely, but nevertheless is more "real" in the fact that we are shown what the characters and settings look like, and we can hear the voices and sound effects instead of having to imagine them.

I realize I only have 4 pages- but I feel like I've got a lot to work with. I'm going to think about it and perhaps divide one of them into two. Maybe this last page can be divided into Fan/Meme stuff and Manovich Applications and personal analysis. Sound boring? You bet.... but what do you think?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Ma Pages

Front Page:
I want it to be an introductory to what the site is about--that being a place where the curious Rubik's person can get some answers on what the cube is about, but I also want it to be a place for Cubers to possibly use. I'm not sure how hard a possible forum would be to create (like copying the code for a simple message board) or just have it be place where all the cubing stuff is located with links and things like that.

Numerical Rep takes the lead here because I want to use the site to make the world of cubing, real-life and socially, on this site

I'm thinking about doing a view How To videos and uploading them to Vimeo and putting them on this page. Or using the videos with written step-by-step instructions. Maybe some pics of what the cube should like in different phases too. I could use Flikr and link them that way, but I want this page to be dedicated to solving the cube and want this to be one of the more heavily visited pages. And I think I will link a view other sites with various solving methods. This page could be good place to dump the various solving algorithms too.

Automation, is the obvious duh for doing the How To part of the site. This is the pre-solved section if you will, with the process of beating the cube a few clicks away.

Story of the Cube:
I don't think this page will be super interactive but I want it to timeline who Rubik was, how the cube came to be, how long it took him solve, how he almost the patent on the idea, and where the cube is today. Maybe make a cool info graphic. Also, I could find a How It's Made... that'd be cool.

Variability seems to be the catch-all for all things history. Because this is the chronological part--and someone may try and contact me and say, "Hey, idiot, this is really how x,y, and z happened." I can go back and add or delete idiotic things I thought are/were cool.

Fan Art, Memes, etc.:
This is where I want to showcase how the Rubiks Cube functions outside the puzzle. There are some cool art galleries that use only Rubik's Cubes and some pretty good memes. I think I even saw a clip on MTV's Guy Code about the Rubik's Cube, and I could show its presence in pop culture. Also, I want to show the various different cubes there are here, and the puzzle spinoffs that the cube has spurned.

Modularity, showing exactly the different ways the cube transforms from being a puzzle to many other and different things, and how all of that relates to one another.

Where to Cube:
This would be a good place to find out where the cubing community is in your local community. Magic: The Gathering has their "Friday Night Magic" nights, and you can go on their site and find a local card shop where this thing is happening. I haven't done a ton a research on it, but I bet you there things like this for cubing conventions that may not be in every city--but I'm hoping at least regionally there are some things, and this would be a great place to build something which helps people find such things.

Transcoding, because this is the train station (hopefully) for all things cubing. People will be able to come here, get info, and then link to real life events.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

How it all will go

On this page I will have the introduction that I wrote in one of the blog posts, as Pepper has said, I will have to talk about Manovich also. The way that I will introduce Manovich's principles is through short summaries and examples. I think that examples will help put his, sometimes boring, principles into an interesting, consumable form.

Modularity will apply to my homepage, because the homepage is the portal to all of the other pages. All of the other pages combined together make the site, and without them the homepage is nothing. I am combining many other elements to make one homepage (combining links to other pages of site), without the other components of the site the homepage serves no purpose.

On this page I will give a history as to why there is a rivalry between PC and Mac. The history needs to be know to understand the jokes, memes, hate sites, fan sites, etc. I will also include a bit of history of how the computer got started, between both platforms.

Variability will be applied to this page. The history page is the best place to showcase that because it is where it all got started, it can be added to also because the future that today was, will be history tomorrow. It is always changing.

This page will be devoted to the fanatic haters and lovers of MAC and PC. I will have links to other sites with short summaries of each site, memes that have been created both hate/love ones, and embedded YouTube videos of hate/love. This page will be exclusively for media that has been created by regular people (amateurs), not professionals such as companies, marketers etc.

Automation will be applied here because it is devoted to media created by regular people. I feel that this principle applies well because most of the stuff that will be showcased here will have existed digitally before these regular people (amateurs) got their hands on it. They just plug them into templates, algorithms, etc, to make their end product that doesn't require a lot of creativity to do so.

This page will be devoted to advertisements and video reviews made by professionals that pertain to each platform. I was thinking of specific commercials made by Apple (Hi I'm a PC and I'm a MAC ads), Apple bashing ads made by Samsung (iPhone 5 line queue where they are swayed to the samsung galaxy), older Dell commercials (Dell dude Ben Curtis). Reviews by CNet, PC Mag, Engadget of new products and older products.

Numerical Representation will be applied here because they will be taking old media forms (stuff made by humans) such as video, reviews that would have been in magazines and newspapers, and commercials for TV and print and encoding it into another form to be consumed by the masses in an online form (new media). They might also apply some effects in advertisements that were created solely by computer not by human authors. Numerical Representation is related to Automation (almost hand in hand), so I thought an amateur and professional theme would go nicely with these two principles.

I though here that I would showcase some top of the line products that each platform has created to consume digital media, such as the iPad, iMac, Microsoft Surface, and Dell monitors. I would also talk about their impact on how people consume media.

Transcoding will be applied here because Transcoding is the computerization of culture. It is a blend of human and computer meanings. Since digital media must be consumed on computers, what better way to show Transcoding than through the top of the line devices on the market today!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Website Layout

I'm thinking my five tabs will include: Home, History, Memes, Parodies, Other Websites.


      This page will include the basic introduction that we included in the previous post. I will talk about Channing Tatum's reputation and what parodies and comical representations that has brought about in New Media. I will maybe include a couple of of brief image glimpses of the four things I'm going to be talking in the other tabs.
      In this page I might talk a little bit about Numerical Representation and how that is the process that makes new media possible. Through Numerical Representation and coding a more inclusive and involved form of communication is made possible.


      I would talk a little bit about Channing Tatum's biography and history in getting to where he is today. In doing so, I'd discuss his childhood and career history. This would almost be some kind of timeline. This would of course also include some pictures of childhood and earlier job positions
      Variability seems like a good topic to tie in with this sub-category. With new-media, the order of the timeline can be manipulated, if new information comes about. It is so adaptable that nothing you write is is something that needs to be set in stone.

      Here, I'll introduce the types of memes about Channing Tatum. I'll explain a little bit about what Memes are and what effect they have on society. I'll talk about the themes that memes about Tatum seems to have. I'll include quite a variety of visuals here.
      Here, I'll use Manovich's concept of Automation. Most memes are created through the use of a pre made template. Such templates are an example of Automation--or shortcuts to the codes that create New Media.

      Parodies about Channing Tatum include videos, jokes, fan art, and highlights by comedians and talk show hosts. I'll talk about how these parodies strip Channing Tatum's reputation and display the real Channing Tatum and how the general audience perceives him.
      Modularity might be a good fit for this topic. New Media is the idea of building blocks. I thought this would be a good fit because in a way, his reputation is already developed and the type of parody about him has become a consistent style. Because of this, new parodies start to become new building blocks that are stacked on top of each other.

Other Websites:
      Here, I'll introduce all kinds of new links about Channing Tatum and talk about the idea of what's out there about him and his career and reputation. This will also show the audience that is connected to Channing Tatum.
      Transcoding is the perfect here. Links in New Media allow for connectivity. This is what I hope to do with this page.