Sunday, November 4, 2012

Ma Pages

Front Page:
I want it to be an introductory to what the site is about--that being a place where the curious Rubik's person can get some answers on what the cube is about, but I also want it to be a place for Cubers to possibly use. I'm not sure how hard a possible forum would be to create (like copying the code for a simple message board) or just have it be place where all the cubing stuff is located with links and things like that.

Numerical Rep takes the lead here because I want to use the site to make the world of cubing, real-life and socially, on this site

I'm thinking about doing a view How To videos and uploading them to Vimeo and putting them on this page. Or using the videos with written step-by-step instructions. Maybe some pics of what the cube should like in different phases too. I could use Flikr and link them that way, but I want this page to be dedicated to solving the cube and want this to be one of the more heavily visited pages. And I think I will link a view other sites with various solving methods. This page could be good place to dump the various solving algorithms too.

Automation, is the obvious duh for doing the How To part of the site. This is the pre-solved section if you will, with the process of beating the cube a few clicks away.

Story of the Cube:
I don't think this page will be super interactive but I want it to timeline who Rubik was, how the cube came to be, how long it took him solve, how he almost the patent on the idea, and where the cube is today. Maybe make a cool info graphic. Also, I could find a How It's Made... that'd be cool.

Variability seems to be the catch-all for all things history. Because this is the chronological part--and someone may try and contact me and say, "Hey, idiot, this is really how x,y, and z happened." I can go back and add or delete idiotic things I thought are/were cool.

Fan Art, Memes, etc.:
This is where I want to showcase how the Rubiks Cube functions outside the puzzle. There are some cool art galleries that use only Rubik's Cubes and some pretty good memes. I think I even saw a clip on MTV's Guy Code about the Rubik's Cube, and I could show its presence in pop culture. Also, I want to show the various different cubes there are here, and the puzzle spinoffs that the cube has spurned.

Modularity, showing exactly the different ways the cube transforms from being a puzzle to many other and different things, and how all of that relates to one another.

Where to Cube:
This would be a good place to find out where the cubing community is in your local community. Magic: The Gathering has their "Friday Night Magic" nights, and you can go on their site and find a local card shop where this thing is happening. I haven't done a ton a research on it, but I bet you there things like this for cubing conventions that may not be in every city--but I'm hoping at least regionally there are some things, and this would be a great place to build something which helps people find such things.

Transcoding, because this is the train station (hopefully) for all things cubing. People will be able to come here, get info, and then link to real life events.


  1. I like the layout, seems like you want it to be place where cubers can come and hangout, get some good how to info, and connect. I like it all. Plus the manovich principles I think fit well with each page, I had a hard connecting manovich to mine.

  2. I am honestly so excited to see your final product here! Because I feel like when you first think "rubik's cube" you don't really know where it's gonna go. But you are covering a bunch of stuff that I never knew about the topic, and I'm gonna guess people generally don't.

  3. everything is really streamlined. you've incorporated manovich well. i think the how-to page with videos of how to solve is a great idea! i'm seriously going to get a cube and use your site to figure out how to do it. i imagine you'll get a lot more hits on your final produce than i will. ;)
