Monday, November 5, 2012

The Definition for Writing Emphasis (Group Writing)

This definition is only like 4 paragraphs, easy going, I liked it. Check it out.

here is another:

and another, just the first paragraph:

*Here's my take on what Kory and I got from Bonnie Kyburz:

The Writing Studies emphasis focuses on the fields of Rhetoric and Composition, particularly within the digital age. It appeals to students who are interested in integrating theory and practice, and communicating with confidence.

Studying within this emphasis challenges the traditional, formulaic values of writing that we tend to gain in high school. The major has an inclination towards conflict, because writing allows you to engage, challenge, and argue. 

Curiosity is a key quality in aspiring majors. The broad range of effects that a text can activate is studied within this emphasis. Good writing effects how people think. Writing Studies students learn the rhetorical skills of critically analyzing texts so as to produce them in ways that have specific and effective results. Our turn to the digital age adds complexity and diversity to this area of study. 

Skills to be gained:
The greatest skill to be gained is a unique disposition, one that is sensitive to textuality. When we are sensitive to language, our choices become more discerning and critical in terms of how we produce and consume. Students will learn how to creatively utilize tools, images, and language to understand how texts are rhetorically functioning and create unique texts of their own.

This major enables creative vision and critical thinking skills. Students will learn digital skills, document design, and advanced skills of communicating and listening. This degree prepares students for a variety of career opportunities: Law, business, teaching, design, filmmaking, editing, etc. The critical and creative disposition gained from the Writing Studies emphasis makes learning new sets of skills easier.

(Ugh. I just read through that. It sounds like shit. Below are a couple more things, but I couldn't think how to add them in the hullabaloo above.)
Metacognitive awareness of what you're doing. Enables feelings of empathy and removes desensitization. 



  1. Did Mark post the document we were looking at on Monday? The one that gave us an overview of what to include on our pages? I can't find it.

  2. No I don't think that he did. I don't know if this is what you are looking for, but the five categories are:
    1. Definition
    2. course requirements/course description
    3. skills you receive
    4. on campus opportunities related to the emphasis
    5 kinds of jobs/grad school opportunities.

    I went back and looked too and couldn't find anything. Hope this helps!!

  3. no, i know i need to do campus opportunities...but is it just a paragraph describing it and then a bulleted list?

  4. I don't think that we ever really went into that. I think we just make a draft according to how we decide to format it, and then Pepper will let us know what he thinks and we go from there.
