Friday, September 14, 2012

5 Warning Signs...

Numerical Representation
For a simple breakdown, all one must do is look at the term. In language we use letters, strung together to make things called words. We then string those created words to make sentences, and finally we string together those sentences to mean something. With 'New Media' this same thing is done and represented by (wait for it)... numbers. It is the digital language.

Tweaking. Not in the drug sense, but in the hands on, let's just make this slight adjustment. Think of old media as the Glock 17, and New Media as the Kimber 1911. New Media's modularity allows the user to go in and pick a tiny specific thing, take it, alter it, and reinsert it in to the original.

Without getting cute... this is basically what will become Skynet, okay. Freaking, Terminator/Matrix shiz in it's early stages. Just you wait. But seriously... Right now, computers can be programmed to think, so we don't have to. I can set a reminder on my laptop or cell phone to remind me of a birthday or meeting. In the future I will create reminders of when I need to go battle machines with EMPs.

In a way, this is the heathen of New Media because it is not the same yesterday, today and forever. New Media is never frozen and hardened permanently like adimantium. I can change the look of this blog tomorrow if I wanted, and still retain its "blogness" and functions, but if I were to put them side by side, they would look different.

I interpreted transcoding as THE MOTHER EFFING PROOF THAT OUR WORLD IS GOING TO BE TAKEN OVER BY MACHINES! AKA this is the blending of the human sphere, in to the computer sphere, and sooner or later they will strike. In other words it is taking the thoughts, ideas, wants of humans and putting it in terms that a computer can understand and exhibit digitally. Pay no mind that they are studying out very essence so they can break us, and turn us in to batteries.


  1. Dear Brady- I appreciate your writing style. First, your summations are astute, but that's not what I want to comment on. I'm used to writing in a particular way, a way that proves to the professor that I have aptly read and taken in the material and concepts. That kind of writing is usually boring, and a reiteration of what everyone already knows. Your writing is not boring, and reveals a lot of personality. I think I need to copy you, and break away from my usual, mundane style of writing, at least for this blog. This isn't my typical Englishy/Critical Theory type class, and I thank you for showing me a more effective way to communicate.

  2. Brady, seriously, round of applause for making this pleasurable read! I want you to rewrite the book, ya? This was so fresh and I agree with Dani, your voice is so strong.

    Dani, I think you've just posed a really great challenge for all of us. Let's break away from the canonical, academic writing that we are all so used to and let's make this blog a good blog; a blog people enjoy reading; and a blog where we seriously just get to talk about some of this stuff that don't quite get solidified in our short class periods.

  3. I like that idea! I feel like my writing is boring on short posts to blogs and stuff like this. If I actually sit down and think, it could be better. Nice challenge.

  4. Guys... thanks for the praise. Our group rocks. I will get better at commenting because when D Pep pimped us in class I noticed that I was the only one who wasn't commenting! Forgive me!
